Forewarned is forearmed... cooperation with TÜV Rhineland

As an employer, it is your duty... identify safety hazards and show them to your employees. Every employee must conduct a hazard assessment in his workplace and inform all employees. This defines all potential hazards and offers your employees security by applying the appropriate protective measures.

We can assist you with a hazard assessment check

If you come across areas in your organisation during your hazard assessment that leave you uncertain, we can offer you a check for your individual hazard assessment, to be performed by TÜV.

The hazard assessment check contains:

•  Assessment of the operating structure
•  Assessment of all work areas
•  Overview of hazards within the organisation
•  Analysis of the results
•  Comparison of existing and target conditions
  according to the requirements of the
  German Occupational Safety and Health Act

€ 179,- one time